Hello there...
Firstly, thankyou for visiting this website, and I hope you'll get enough information about the products that I am selling
My name is Helena Lora Sagir. I was born and bred in Kuching, Sarawak. I'm a full time employee with in an MNC- working
in a financial related services. I am doing this direct selling as a 'time-filler' and test my selling skill *lol*.
I was introduced to B FIT products by my cousin Annie in April 2008. Annie lost 7 kg within her 1st set and yours
truly lost 4kg! I believe in these products after trying and seeing the result with my own eyes, and mind you,
I've never joined other direct selling company before!
I built this website sometime in May'08 because I realised there was no information at all in the web! All I can find through
search engines were listings in eBay, 88.com and the like. At that time, the official website was not available, hence, yours
truly created this humble website...for friends, family and colleagues, and friends & family of these people, who
were interested in trying the products but stop short due to the limited information available.
If you decide you would like to try these products, please contact me by phone or email. Please note sometimes I won't
be able to take your call, so please leave a message, or drop me an email. My job requires me to attend lotsa (and I mean
ALOT!) meetings, and occasional oversea travel - please bear with me if I don't answer your calls/emails asap!
Since I enjoy blogging, I'm planning to start a blog on this site soon. Keep a watch-out for it, and you are most welcome
to leave your comments. I would like to document my journey towards a healthy body, mind & soul....it'll be fun to share
it with you all :)
If you have any feedbacks or suggestions, please drop me a note at bfit.agent.kl@gmail.com. Stay healthy..and good luck in getting that dream firm & trim figure.
Best wishes,
This website is an independent website, and I am not an employee of TWO PLUS ONE, who produced and marketed
this brand and products. The company I am working with is not related in any way to TWO PLUS ONE and all their products. All
materials used are obtained from product brochures which are available to the public, therefore there is no privacy or
copyright infringement. All materials used are correct at time of print. Brochure materials are translated from Mandarin,
hence, if there is any discrepancy, the Mandarin version prevails. The FAQ page is a recommendation based on my knowledge
on the products. I will not be held liable for any negative side effect due to the consumption of the products (God forbid,
no negative effect!). Members' rebate are credited by the company (TWO PLUS ONE), therefore for any enquiries about the rebate
- please call xxx <number witheld, will provide only to members>. Please visit the official website at www.b-fit.com.my for official information.